Untitled Document


You can apply by examining  techinal and general information
that  we present you.  (In case of need an interview  is done. )

1. Letter of application along with this form  are sent to K Beş Gayrimenkul
You can apply by filling out a form submitted in annex.
3.After the application, a meeting  is organized to clarify guarantee issues  related with  all deatils like  engineering, marketing,  payment, forward setup  and  the agreement is presented to your side.

AGREEMENT: Depending on the content of the agreement the basis specifications are:
1- The demands of the recipient are:
*To supply land
* To supply water and electricity  where the production  will be installed
* To determine in advance which fuel to use on the application time and to declare it officially
* To present analysis and capacity of source that reserves of raw materials and at the same time  to notice the experts about this sourcing analysis and content of the supplier company officially
2- Construction setup and guarantee  of 2 years ( electric motors can’t be guaranteed )
the construction of building 180 days  as machine montage as well 180 days will be completed in 360 days. Test period is for 30 days  after 360 days. The recipient will complete mounting and taking operation at the same time with  the technician and operators training as well.
3- Marketing,export, pricing, getting letter of credit or taking cash payments and bailment of this cash equivalent  are assumed  by K Beş Gayrimenkul, the marketing company.
4- Terms of Payment
%50 of payment is paid  in return of collateral or divided negotiable letter of credit is opened. İn case of providing guarantee %50 will be paid in advance.
*it  is controled by recipient when machines and equipments have been prepared. And  opened letter of credit that it is released in the exit of the customs from Turkey
* The rest %50 portion as the total cost of good:
Portion of 25% after dissolving letter of credit at the customs, with the delivery of the goods to recipient’s country
Portion of 15% on formal submission  which indicates that the machine has been operated.
Portion of 10% will be paid on formal submission which indicates that the machine has been working with full capacity.

300 Ton

600 Ton

900 Ton

1200 Ton

2000 Ton